Monday, March 21, 2011

What are words if you really don't mean them when you say them?

I had a woderful weekend with nice people, some of them close friends and some have a long way to go before they fit in that cathegory but I'm sure they'll make a spot and hopefully they are here to stay. Because if I get my way, life will be so much more than something that's always heading towards an end. There will be a purpose and a satisfaction that can only lead to eternal joy.
What are friends if not a source to happiness when you're feeling lonely and down. I want to thak God for being so blessed with such amazing people around whose only desire is to make you happy and to be able to have fun with you.

Love between couples is overrated, what you need in life is friends and family, with these in your life and only these you can get very far in life as a person and they are the only ones who will bail you out of whatever prison you lock yourself into.

Anywhere you are, I am nearAnywhere you go, I'll be thereAnytime you whisper my name, you'll seehow every single promise I keepBecause what kind of person would I beif I was to leave when you need me most