Saturday, March 26, 2011

I dont know..

I just realised, I have no idea of what you've been up too. How you are doing and if everything's allright. I don't mean anything bad about it but I just don't care to know and I just realised it. It's weird because I've never had this feeling before. I have cared about you since the first sight of you and now it's all gone and for some reason it doesn't feel like a hole inside of me. On the contrary, i'm relieved!! I never thought I'd say this but I'm happy it's come to this because you simply don't deserve any of it. You have to learn how to give instead of keep on taking. Somehow it's working for you but it will never last. Grow up and start acting like an adult instead of picking fights and complaining about everything. Life is what you make of it. It's not always unfair, it brings justice to those who deserve it and wait for it pationally.

There will hopefully be my last words to you.. Good luck with yourlife!