Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Birthday's over... next up Christmas !

So summer's been over for almost a month now and I still havent told you about it.

Right now, I dont really have time to tell it all, but I could tell you this. It was amazing and so far the best summer ever. I still feel bad for loosing my spot at Chalmers university of Technology only because I wasnt able to attend to one stupid day, which happend to be the first day. That totally destroyed everything but I guess this way I get a year off school so to say.
I didnt really get the year off since I sent a late application to The University of Gothenburg and got accepted. So now Im studying Chemistry, full-time. It is a living hell, or not really. Its fun but I just wish I knew what I really wanted to do. I hope that when I finally figure out what I am supposed to do in life that it somehow has to do with chemistry, because I really really dont want this year to go to waste.

So Since last I updated I travelled by bus to Canada, attended to my cousin Reine's wedding, went back to NEW YORK for some real sightseeing, came home to Sweden to get ready for my trip to Madrid and eventually went to Madrid. The world youth day was amazing! I have never experienced anything like it! The people, the place, the weather and the hmmm the feeling that you belong, that someone else maybe understands you. During all my trips I met a lot of new people, made many friends and connections, some of them for life and that was so worth "wasting" a whole year of college.

Most important of all is the fact that I got a lot closer to a friend who helped me out of darkness without even knowing it. By just being himself he managed to make me feel good, amazing is the word. He still doesnt know it and he will never get it.,,so thank you for just being you!!!
I am feeling much better than I did last year. This summer really did me good.

It's getting late and I really should go to sleep now, Ill upload some pictures and fill you in on stuff later!