Monday, October 3, 2011


Im so so so tired today and so sleepy. I didnt fall asleep last night until the sun started going up, and because of that I had troubles to get up on time and missed half the day. Im so sick of life, why does everything have to become a routine. Its like you have an unwritten schedule. Same shit every single day. Some days are better than others but not exciting enough. I would like to travel, go mountainclimbing, walking in the desert swimming across the English channel and most important of all change MAJOR. Chemistry sucks, I dont give a damn about thermodynamics.

Im literally miserable. Sure I have a lot of fun times, and a few great friends who are there for me no matter what but I just feel like theres something missing.I cant get a hold of it but I know it for sure. I need something new, Im craving some kind of meaning in my everyday life. Where are you when I really really need you´?

I really dont want to creep you out so Im going to stop right here..

One thing I am looking forward to is SUMMER in Lebanon. I booked my tickets last week and my friend Siran is coming with meee ! Yeeey